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CD Sleeve Design

Artwork & CD sleeve design

The project

CD sleeve, photography and artwork

5 recent CD jewel case designs for Leeds music label, 70 CD sleeves now created over a 15 year period.

As part of this project I also prepared the music for mastering & facilitated its distribution through Spotify & iTunes other major streaming services.


The project

Project features

  • CD sleeve design
  • CD label design
  • Audio file mastering
  • CD metadata

Freelance web design

Web design Skipton north Yorkshire

I’m Jake a freelance web designer, for over 20 years I have been developing websites for all types of businesses.

I design websites for a wide variety of people & businesses throughout Skipton, Yorkshire, Lancashire & the entire UK.

The quality of my design work & the knowledge I offer to clients is easy on par with services offered by larger design agencies without the excessive costs.

Call me on 07985 433 090 or email:

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